

Instruction harvesting methods

Project for: Dutch mushroom growers
Period: 2004 - 2005
Together with the Dutch Bureau " alles voor groene arbeid" AdVisie has developed a project to instruct harvesting staff. It all starts with a theoretical training in a class room. During that training the focus is on picking quality on a high speed but they also learn about basic growing and hygiene. The theoretical session is then followed by a couple of practical sessions on the farm itself. For Dutch growers STOSAS funding is available.


Instruction harvesting methods






AdVisie    'the mushroom growing consultants'  
Mushrooms Compost
AdVisie 'The mushroom growing consultants'
AdVisie De Champignonteelt adviseurs
AdVisie - the mushroom growing consultants  -  Herkenbosch - The Netherlands  |  Tel: +31-475-537161  Fax: +31-475-537162   |   Email:  |  Sitemap