

Damage and insurance assessment

In case of damage on the farm due to bad materials or mistakes by a third party, AdVisie is the independent partner for you. We can set up a damage assessment and a thorough report of the situation and the calculated damage. We have experience in damage through climate units, cooling units, tunnel constructions, coatings, compost, casing, supplementation and more.


Damage and insurance assessment

Damage and insurance assessment



AdVisie    'the mushroom growing consultants'  
Mushrooms Compost
AdVisie 'The mushroom growing consultants'
AdVisie De Champignonteelt adviseurs
AdVisie - the mushroom growing consultants  -  Herkenbosch - The Netherlands  |  Tel: +31-475-537161  Fax: +31-475-537162   |   Email:  |  Sitemap