

Inventory for the need of research in energy saving in the mushroom industry

Project for: board for energy saving in the mushroom sector (group MJAE)
Period: 2000

Interviews were held with growers, research people, consultants, suppliers of climate units and computers. Out of these interviews a list is extracted to evaluate the need for research still to be done. It is expected that this project will be followed by several demo projects.


Energy saving

Energy saving










AdVisie    'the mushroom growing consultants'  
Mushrooms Compost
AdVisie 'The mushroom growing consultants'
AdVisie De Champignonteelt adviseurs
AdVisie - the mushroom growing consultants  -  Herkenbosch - The Netherlands  |  Tel: +31-475-537161  Fax: +31-475-537162   |   Email:  |  Sitemap