Posters & Brochures
  Cobweb poster

AdVisie had developed a poster with information on Dactylium to instruct workers and pickers on the farm. The problems with Dactylium are big so hygiene and people are the main factors in this. Early recognizing and knowing how to handle are the key issue. To support mushrooms farms AdVisie had made a poster with clear photo’s and advise.
By hanging this poster in the canteen you can constantly bring this matter to their attention and you can use it to instruct new staff.

Technical info:
A3 size
Heavily laminated

How to order this poster:
Costs: € 15,00 (exclusive shipping)
Languages: English, Dutch, German and Polish

Please send an e-mail to AdVisie with your address at:
attention Dactylium poster, quantity and language
You will receive the invoice and after payment the posters will be sent to you.



AdVisie    'the mushroom growing consultants'  
Mushrooms Compost
AdVisie  De Champignonteelt adviseurs
AdVisie - the mushroom growing consultants  -  Herkenbosch - The Netherlands  |  Tel: +31-475-537161  Fax: +31-475-537162   |   Email:  |  Sitemap