

Practical inventory virus x

Project for: The Dutch Horticultural board.
Period: 2003

Based on this project AdVisie has made an inventory about the problem of virus x. By talking to growers, looking at the records of compost yards en talks with researchers a matrix is formed. This was to identify how big the problem is in Holland. Through our own research possible causes are identified, a hypothesis is made and recommendations are made for research, compost yards, spawn laboratories and growers.


Virus X

Virus X






AdVisie    'the mushroom growing consultants'  
Mushrooms Compost
AdVisie 'The mushroom growing consultants'
AdVisie De Champignonteelt adviseurs
AdVisie - the mushroom growing consultants  -  Herkenbosch - The Netherlands  |  Tel: +31-475-537161  Fax: +31-475-537162   |   Email:  |  Sitemap